World Population passes 8 billion: a call to action from Prof. Andrew Macnab
“On November 15 th the United Nations announced that there are now 8 billion people sharing our fragile world. It affects Rose Charities; it is a call to action”
By William Grut
While good that experts identify the increasing number and are addressing the increased needs in for health, nutrition and vaccines. Etc, goals shared by Rose Charities, it is worrying that it is only 11 years since the population of 7 billion was reached. Competition for limited supplies of clean water increased overall food insecurity and land are increasing dramatically
Another area of increase is the incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCD’s) such as high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer and Type 2 diabetes. The last has now reached epidemic proportions c
The call to action for Rose Charities and other similar organizations needs to take place in in multiple sectors Wherever though it is possible to act, it should be done. Education for the next generation should include the provision of life skill relevant to improving physical and mental health, passion and practical approaches to care for the environment. Attitudes and actions to promote tolerance and understanding too, are vital
breast feeding
The importance of the awareness of breastfeeding is vital. It ensures optimal growth, defense against disease and social and emotional development. The WHO however report that globally only one out of three children are exclusively breastfed for six months and 45% of child deaths in the developing world are associated with undernutrition.
Breastfeeding also a key to the current epidemic of NCDs. Stunting of growth in infancy strongly associated high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke in later life, and infants who gain too much weight by being formula and not breast fed are much more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes as an adult.
Globally in 2020, 149 million children under 5 were estimated to be stunted, and 38.9 million were overweight or obese
Though not everywhere, bith rates in many countries of operation of Rose Charities are increasing. Child birth dangers for both mother and child are still far too high in many of these countries and need to be addressed.
Prof. Andrew Macnab (International Pediatrician) Rose-Brighter Smiles Uganda