Eye Dispenser Training for Rural Nepal
Ms Yamuna Ghimire (Demlitar Community)
By William Grut
Sight is one of the most vital aspects to the life of any individual both directly for themselves as well as for their families and communities. Often even simple health and screening measures can prevent, stay or even reverse many degrees of blindness.
Rose Charities often supports its impressive partner VTN (Vision Together Nepal) founded by Optometrist, Mr Sakar Subedi. This NGO specializes in travelling to extremely remote villages in hard-to-access areas of Nepal to screen for disease, treat if possible or at a minimum, facilitate transport to a surgical eye center if more complicated procedures are needed. In addition a refraction service can assist in obtaining glasses for a needy patient.
At a recent eye camp in Demilitar Rural Municipality, assistance was given to an excellent local initiative to establish a simple Eye Centre. Trained staff were needed so VTN supported by Rose Charities facilitated training for two village members to be assistants. Ms Yumuna Ghimire (Demlitar Community) and Mr Roshan Dahal (Sindhuli Community) were sponsored to undertake basic optical dispenser training courses.
Further eye center initiatives are planned in rural Nepal for the near future.
Mr Roshan Dahal (Sindhuli Comminity)